Malaury and Julien

As part of the blog "Conscious People" by Venitz, we interview the actors of the green transition to find out more about the behind their commitments. Today, here is the story of Malaury and Julien.

Hello everyone, we are Malaury and Julien, a couple who love the ocean. After spending a lot of time in the ocean, we decided to dedicate our lives to it. Today, we are doing everything in our power to protect the ocean by sharing solutions to the problems that threaten it. How ? Through documentaries. And you have no idea how many solutions exist: food, energy, finance, waste, transport... We often forget it, but everything we do, no matter where we live, has an impact on the ocean.

Our commitment, we must largely to two documentaries: A Plastic Ocean and Cowspiracy. The first shows the disaster of plastic pollution and its impacts on the ocean. The second highlights the ecological impact of livestock farming and the need to plant-based our diet. It was after watching these documentaries that we decided to drastically reduce our waste and become vegan, overnight.

In this sense, we created Blutopia, a non-profit association whose mission is to give citizens the power to act to protect the ocean. The way we perceive the world around us and interact with others has been heavily influenced by all the time we have spent in the ocean swimming, surfing and diving, but also by the people we have. we met in France, the Netherlands, Australia and South-East Asia, notably during the production of our first documentary series L'autre confort.

Since we focus on Southeast Asia, let me tell you a story from the Philippines. We went to Bantayan, a small island near Cebu. We spent 10 days in Mojon, a village of the Gawad Kalinga association, where some of the poorest families in the country live, with less than $10 per day per family. However, in just 10 days, they understood the interest and the need to set up a deposit system in the village store. The objective? Reduce the amount of waste produced, increase the cleanliness of the village and facilitate the work of the women who manage the store. With will, we can all act on our own scale. And besides, it is often those who have the least who make the most effort. A great life lesson.

We like to think that the desire to support noble causes is contagious. So, if we had to give advice to those who have not yet taken the plunge, it would be this: plant-based your diet. You will rediscover cooking and you will see that it is much simpler than you think. And then, it’s the solution that has the most impact on the ocean. You wonder why ? We are preparing a complete documentary for you on the links between what we put on our plates and the ocean. See you in September 2022.

However, adopting a more ethical and responsible lifestyle is not a linear process. We always spend too much time in the shower, especially after a winter surf session ! And then, after putting a lot of pressure on ourselves regarding waste, we took a step back because we realized that it was better to act in all sectors (food, transport, finance, energy) rather than 'be perfectly zero-waste by abandoning the rest. We too have our share of contradictions so, we might as well laugh about it: lightness above all!

Then we gave our guests the freedom to express themselves on the environmental cause in a more poetic, almost lyrical register...

The orange rays of the setting sun run over the steep rocks that border the ocean, the shells coo - lulled by the swell -, the hubbub of the city falls asleep behind the light mist that rises. The wind whispers a word in my ear: “ocean”. 

It inspires me with nothing but wonder, beauty, freedom and magic.

The water brushes against me, I raise my head in a sigh and my eyes meet the stars which shine with their beautiful pale glow. I am overwhelmed by a wave of feelings, even resentments. Dear Nature, for a very long time you have been left aside, forgotten. I am sorry. After years of ignorance, we finally understood that you are necessary for happiness. To the life. Believe me, you will become majestic again. Our view of you changes. Our relationship with you is evolving. We will be more attentive. After having done everything to push you towards the exit, you are now at the heart of our ideas. It's all about you. And it's natural.

To support Malaury and Julie, here is the link to Blutopia !













Venitz - le