Nathalie Beau de Loménie

Hello everyone , I am Nathalie Beau de Loménie, Press Attaché at the Departmental Tourism Agency, Author of the book “Biarritz & la mode” and guide for discovery services of “Biarritz in Haute couture fashion”.

Today, I dedicate a large part of my daily life to promoting new creators and local artisans based in Béarn and the Basque Country whose approaches are eco-responsible and innovative in this sense.

My eco-responsible commitment, I owe it to a trigger, an awareness : The textile world being one of the most polluting on the planet, it is imperative to reason, to slow down “fast fashion” in a world saturated with an overabundance of clothing. Water, the blue gold of tomorrow, the plant and animal biodiversity which suffers in our rivers, rivers and oceans must no longer be tainted by overproductivity: multiplication of collections in one year, non-recyclable clothing, toxic dyes...

In this sense, I support designers who make consciously so that consumers finally favor quality over quantity. More than ever if History has often impacted fashion, fashion can make History: that of our refusal to feed manufacturers with purchases of poor quality due to their textures without taking into account the human slavery of the workshops of the " Third World ".

The way I perceive the world around me and the way I interact with others has been strongly influenced by my historical research into the world of tailoring.

I like to think that the desire to support noble causes is contagious. So if I had to give advice to those who have not yet taken the plunge: ... sort through a wardrobe, a dressing room, refuse to accredit certain "Made in....." (the BRIC very often) to the practices unscrupulous. To support the ideas and efforts of our French and European know-how with virtuous approaches.

However, adopting a more ethical and responsible lifestyle is not a linear process ; I myself still make, from time to time, an impulsive purchase, prints, cuts... then when I touch the material and read the composition on the label I am well aware that in less than 6 months my clothes or my shoes will no longer look like anything.

The orange rays of the setting sun run over the steep rocks that border the ocean, the shells coo - lulled by the swell -, the hubbub of the city falls asleep behind the light mist that rises. The wind whispers a word in my ear: elegance = sobriety = timelessness.
It inspires me with nothing but admiration for these big names in fashion for whom these were the key words.
The water brushes against me, I raise my head in a sigh and my eyes meet the stars which shine with their beautiful pale glow. I am overwhelmed by a wave of feelings, even resentments. Dear, Nature, … through the diversity of your abundant riches you are still a victim of greed and human vanity. One day perhaps “getting to the point” will be the priority.

Website here
Instagram: @nathalie_beau_de_lomenie
Photo: DR.Gara

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