Venitz in short circuit

During the first confinement, we all witnessed a real rise in awareness around the importance of short circuits.

This is why, every day at 7:47 a.m., France Bleu radio highlights the local economy with its program "Circuits Courts" interviewing producers, artisans, traders and merchants who help to energize life in their region on a daily basis.

This Wednesday, May 26, Quentin Lhuissier spoke live on France Bleu Pays Basque to Rudy Cohen, co-founder of the benevolent Biarritz fashion house Venitz Conscious Creation.

Indeed, from organic cosmetics to the upcycling couture creations of Morgane (artist-craftswoman of Venitz), including eco-responsible accessories from local producers or committed books, Venitz is part of a "Circuit Short" approach, for a living economy and respectful.

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